Parliament Speeches

State Budget and Working with Children Checks

State Budget and Working with Children Checks

Hansard ID:
Hansard session:

The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (12:16): I take note of an answer about Working with Children Checks. The Office of the Children's Guardian annual report for 2022-23 states that 1.9 million people hold a Working with Children Check at the moment. The checks are completed online through a partnership with Service NSW and they are efficient. Typically a check could be completed within a week, which means that the employees can then work in the industry. The annual report highlighted that 424,000 applications were processed. Of those, 48 per cent were new applications and 52 per cent were renewals for people to continue in their employment. The number of Working with Children Checks is increasing and probably do not cost as much as they did before to conduct. After processing and verifying, each application lasts for five years and is now connected to the National Reference System. In a cost-of-living crisis, when people need Working with Children Checks in order to be employed, this money grab in the budget is an extra burden from the Government to avert funds elsewhere in its union deals.

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