Parliament Speeches

Health Infrastructure and Industrial Action

Health Infrastructure and Industrial Action

Hansard ID:
Hansard session:

The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (13:52): My question is directed to the Minister for Finance, representing the Minister for Health. How many planned outages on health infrastructure sites have been cancelled due to Electrical Trades Union actions, and what has been the total cost to date of protected industrial action by the Electrical Trades Union on health infrastructure projects in New South Wales, including the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital redevelopment and the John Hunter Health and Innovation Precinct project?

The Hon. COURTNEY HOUSSOS (Minister for Finance, Minister for Domestic Manufacturing and Government Procurement, and Minister for Natural Resources) (13:53): That question is asked to me in my capacity representing the excellent Minister for Health and Minister for Regional Health. I will take it on notice and come back to the member with an answer.

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