Parliament Speeches

Afghan Women and Girls

Afghan Women and Girls

Hansard ID:
Hansard session:

The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (10:09): I move:

(1)That this House acknowledges the ongoing and systematic repression of women and girls in Afghanistan under Taliban rule.

(2)That this House recognises that women and girls in Afghanistan are denied basic rights and freedoms, including the right to education, employment, personal autonomy and participation in public life.

(3)That this House condemns:

(a)restrictions on education and employment, and the silencing of Afghan women; and

(b)the practices in Afghanistan against women and girls which violate international human rights standards, such as forced marriages.

(4)That this House affirms its commitment to upholding human rights and urges the Australian Government to continue to advocate for Afghan women.

(5)That this House supports initiatives which amplify the voices of Afghan women and provide safe avenues for education, economic opportunity and personal freedom.

(6)That this House calls on the international community to take meaningful action to ensure the rights of Afghan women are protected and that the systematic oppression by the Taliban is met with coordinated and unwavering resistance.

Motion agreed to.

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