Parliament Speeches
That Clontarf's largest event, the annual Ross Kelly Cup, began in 2013 with just 100 boys for a rugby league carnival
That this House welcomes the former houses of Elsie Refuge being added to the State Heritage Register.
The appropriate court for orders made on the basis of convictions will be the Local Court.
I seek leave to have the remainder of the second reading speech incorporated in Hansard.
That Mayor Sam Coupland hosted the breakfast with the intent of working collectively towards the flourishing of the town of Armidale.
That this House notes and supports the work the Government is doing to develop whole-of-government suicide prevention legislation.
It is difficult to see family breakdowns in any circumstance, but it is even more tragic when family and domestic violence is involved.
It has now been seven months since the tougher bail laws were introduced following a regional crime spree.
That this House acknowledges the tenth anniversary of the massacre of thousands of the Ezidi people in Iraq.