Parliament Speeches

PCYC Fit for Work Program

PCYC Fit for Work Program

Hansard ID:
Hansard session:

The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (10:03): I move:

(1)That this House congratulates the young people who have successfully completed the Police Citizens Youth Club [PCYC] Fit for Work program and graduated at the ceremony held on Tuesday 17 December 2024 at Charles Byrnes Room, Parramatta Town Hall.

(2)That this House acknowledges the PCYC Fit for Work program, a life-changing 10-week initiative designed for young people aged 16 to 17 years to re-engage with education and employment by developing essential life skills, gaining qualifications and increasing resilience.

(3)That this House recognises the significant role the PCYC NSW plays in delivering this transformative program, aimed at reducing and preventing antisocial behaviours and youth involvement in crime, while creating pathways to employment and positive futures.

(4)That this House commends the dedication of PCYC NSW staff, program facilitators and chief executive officer Ben Hobby, who provide young people with support, encouragement and opportunities to thrive.

(5)That this House encourages continued investment in programs like Fit for Work, which empower young people, strengthen communities and contribute to a safer and more prosperous New South Wales.

Motion agreed to.

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