Electric Bus Procurement
In reply to the Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (19 February 2025).
The Hon. COURTNEY HOUSSOS (Minister for Finance, Minister for Domestic Manufacturing and Government Procurement, and Minister for Natural Resources)—The Minister provided the following response:
I am advised that buses are procured in New South Wales from approved suppliers as determined by Bus Panel 4.
Bus Panel 4 is a formal and long-standing procurement process operated by Transport for NSW [TfNSW].
The Deed of Standing Offer that applies for bus procurement under Bus Panel 4 has provisions concerning modern slavery.
In accordance with the NSW Government Procurement Policy Framework government agencies are responsible for the day-to-day management and enforcement of contractual provisions.
New South Wales government agencies can seek best practice advice from the New South Wales Antislavery Commissioner on modern slavery due diligence in government contracts.
The ASSISTANT PRESIDENT (The Hon. Peter Primrose): I shall now leave the chair. The House will resume at 2.00 p.m.