Parliament Speeches

Justice Reinvestment

Justice Reinvestment

Hansard ID:
Hansard session:

The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (12:36): I move:

(1)That this House notes that Newara Aboriginal Corporation and BackTrack are working together to develop a community‑led justice reinvestment partnership in Armidale.

(2)That this House acknowledges that the next step in developing this partnership is to facilitate a meaningful discussion and to encourage active participation from local community members and experienced service providers.

(3)That this House supports a community roundtable held in Armidale on 9 May 2024 to help reduce the interaction of the Armidale community with the criminal justice system and to promote the role of Aboriginal culture in the community.

(4)That this House further notes the Armidale Community Reinvestment Roundtable was attended by:

(a)the Hon. Aileen MacDonald, OAM, MLC;

(b)Geoffrey Scott, CEO of Just Reinvest NSW;

(c)Uncle Steve Widders, Anaiwan Elder and Chair of Newara Aboriginal Corporation;

(d)Cindy Penrose, Chief Operating Officer and Chair of Justice Reform NSW;

(e)Markus Watson, CEO of BackTrack;

(f)Bernie Shakeshaft, founder of BackTrack;

(g)Geoff Winters, former CEO of Just Reinvest NSW and facilitator; and

(h)representatives from police, skills and education, housing, health, Corrective Services NSW and many other stakeholders and community members.

(5)That this House notes that it is in forums like these that vital discussions and innovative ideas are brought to the fore to create lasting and positive change in the community.

(6)That this House acknowledges that it is initiatives like these that empower Indigenous communities to develop solutions and work with all relevant stakeholders.

(7)That this House notes applications for funding for NSW Justice Reinvestment Grant Stage 2 for empowering Aboriginal communities closed on 13 May 2024.

Motion agreed to.

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