Parliament Speeches

Question Time

Question Time

Hansard ID:
Hansard session:
Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

Question Time

The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (12:24:33):

I am a little tired of question time. The penny finally dropped for me today. For one hour each sitting day of Parliament we attend question time. It is not question and answer time, but only question time. I am disappointed each time that questions are asked and answers are not provided. Instead, we have blame and shame, statements made that have nothing to do with the question asked and much time wasting. Government members have mastered the art of not answering questions—no transparency—and continue to shift blame for decisions they make to everyone else but themselves. I am tired of the grandstand perspective taken by the Government whereby it rules by the thumbs up, thumbs down method. There is no leadership in making decisions for only a few with vested interests while neglecting the majority of New South Wales. I invite the Government down from the grandstand and into the arena to show true leadership and empower the people of New South Wales, own its decisions and move New South Wales forward.

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