Rural and Regional New South Wales
The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (12:29): I take note of the response given by the Hon. Tara Moriarty regarding what the Government claims it has done for rural and regional New South Wales since its election in March 2023. While listening to the Minister's glowing assessment of the achievements, I was reminded of a product many in the agricultural community would be familiar with: Dynamic Lifter. For those who might not know, Dynamic Lifter is marketed as an organic-based fertiliser that is slow to release, pelletised, and helpful in improving soil structure and moisture retention. The Government's claims sound promising but, just like Dynamic Lifter, its efforts seem to be based on packaging rather than substance.
The Minister may talk about enriching the soil of rural and regional communities, but we know that the Government's actions have not exactly yielded the strong growth or flourishing outcomes that it promised. Farmers and communities are left wondering when the so-called slow-release approach will start to deliver results. The agricultural community deserves better than hollow claims; it needs immediate and tangible actions, investments in infrastructure, real support and better solutions for supply chain challenges. Rural and regional New South Wales can see right through the spin and, like the smell of Dynamic Lifter, they find it hard to ignore it when something does not quite stack up.