Parliament Speeches

Clontarf Foundation and Port Macquarie Police Citizens Youth Club

Clontarf Foundation and Port Macquarie Police Citizens Youth Club

Hansard ID:
Hansard session:

The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (10:12): I move:

(1)That this House applauds the collaboration of the Clontarf Foundation and the PCYC in Port Macquarie that have both worked together to support Indigenous youth education.

(2)That this House commends this collaboration as the first time these two organisations have been co-located on a school premises at the Hastings Secondary College.

(3)That this House notes the multimillion‑dollar upgrade to the facility would not have been possible if it had not been for the $7.9 billion investment by the Coalition in 2022 to deliver new and upgraded schools.

(4)That this House recognises that the PCYC Port Macquarie as the sixty‑seventh club in New South Wales that provides quality activities and programs in a safe, fun and friendly environment.

(5)That this House affirms its support for the work of the Police Citizens Youth Club NSW, a registered charity of which the mission is to empower young people to reach their potential through police and community partnerships.

(6)That this House applauds the PCYC, which aims to engage with and positively influence more than 70,000 of its youth members through mainstream sport, recreation, education, leadership and cultural programs.

(7)That this House further recognises that the PCYC works with at-risk youth to break the cycle of disadvantage through crime prevention, vocational education, youth capacity building and social responsibility programs to change the life outcomes of more than 7,500 youth per year.

(8)That this House further affirms its support for the Clontarf Foundation, which exists to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men.

(9)That this House recognises that the Clontarf Foundation operates 158 academies around Australia, which support more than 11,000 participants and employ more than 580 dedicated staff.

Motion agreed to.

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