Parliament Speeches

Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus

Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus

Hansard ID:
Hansard session:

The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (10:06): I move:

(1)That this House recognises:

(a)the recent outbreak of the tomato brown rugose fruit virus in South Australia and the serious risk this outbreak poses to the operations of the Costa glasshouses in Guyra; and

(b)that this virus, which has not been previously found in Australia, has been detected in three businesses in the Northern Adelaide Plains in South Australia.

(2)That this House acknowledges that the tomato brown rugose fruit virus is on the National Priority Plant Pests list and is regarded by the State and Federal governments as a considerable threat to Australia's $5.8 billion vegetable industry and the $2.8 billion plant nursery.

(3)That this House notes that the virus can infect up to 100 per cent of a crop and cause yield losses of between 25 per cent and 70 per cent.

(4)That this House also recognises that since 2005 Costa has invested more than $200 million in the establishment and expansion of its facilities and is one of the region's major employers with some 800 staff.

(5)That this House further notes that:

(a)of the 800 employees across two sites, 94 per cent live in the Armidale local government area; and

(b)Costa has done the right thing and introduced a range of biosecurity measures including the engagement of a biosecurity expert to review risk management measures.

(6)That this House congratulates Costa on supplying tomatoes free to local Guyra cafes and bakeries in an effort to minimise the risk of the virus spreading.

Motion agreed to.

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