Parliament Speeches

Maitland Ambulance Service

Maitland Ambulance Service

Hansard ID:
Hansard session:

The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (10:03): I move:

(1)That this House acknowledges:

(a)the Maitland Ambulance Service in the month of July 2024 on its anniversary of 100 years of service; and

(b)that the work of the Maitland Ambulance Service typifies the dedication to service of all ambulance services in northern New South Wales.

(2)That this House commends the service for 100 years of invaluable support to the local community.

(3)That this House notes that:

(a)to mark the event the station is acknowledging all of those who have worked there in the past 100 years; and

(b)Maitland has had a long and significant history in New South Wales going back to the area's original inhabitants, the people of the Wonnarua nation.

(4)That this House recognises that since 1924 around 160 paramedics have worked for the NSW Ambulance in Maitland.

(5)That this House congratulates the Maitland Ambulance Service for its evolution from life-saving intervention to a holistic approach to pre-hospital health care.

Motion agreed to.

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