Parliament Speeches

Regional Art Galleries and Margaret Olley

Regional Art Galleries and Margaret Olley

Hansard ID:
Hansard session:

The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (10:03): I move:

(1)That this House acknowledges the treasure trove of cultural and historic significance of the regional art galleries of New South Wales.

(2)That this House recognises the cultural enrichment of regional art galleries is on par with those in the capital cities.

(3)That this House pays tribute to the Tweed Regional Gallery and the New England Regional Art Museum.

(4)That this House further recognises that both galleries feature the work of esteemed Australian artist Margaret Olley, who was born in Lismore in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales.

(5)That this House notes the Tweed Regional Gallery and Margaret Olley Art Centre in Murwillumbah is an exceptional gallery which opened on 15 March 2014.

(6)That this House further acknowledges the Margaret Olley Art Centre at the Tweed Regional Gallery celebrates Australia's most acclaimed painter of still lifes and interiors.

(7)That this House further notes the New England Regional Art Museum, also known as NEREM, in Armidale contains the second largest and most valuable regional public collection in New South Wales.

(8)That this House further acknowledges NEREM is also a home to the work of Margaret Olley and celebrated the 100th anniversary of her birth last year with a special collection of rarely seen works.

Motion agreed to.

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