Parliament Speeches

Regional Transport Subsidies

Regional Transport Subsidies

Hansard ID:
Hansard session:

The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (11:47): My question is directed to the Minister for Regional New South Wales. In the middle of a cost-of-living crisis, why is the Labor Government cutting support for regional coach services so that fares for regional seniors could increase by as much as 2,600 per cent, from $2.50 for a regional excursion daily ticket to $65 for a trip from Eden to Bomaderry?

The Hon. TARA MORIARTY (Minister for Agriculture, Minister for Regional New South Wales, and Minister for Western New South Wales) (11:48): I thank the honourable member for the question. She is a very strong advocate for regional New South Wales, and I have engaged with her on a number of issues, particularly around the north of the State. I recognise her advocacy for people across regional New South Wales. The Minns Labor Government is committed to keeping regional communities connected with reliable and affordable public transport.

As we have outlined many times in this House and as the public is aware, we inherited a hotchpotch of bespoke and grandfathered rural and remote bus contracts that meant that, under the previous Government, access to concession fares for regional people depended upon where they lived. We are in a cost-of-living crisis and the Government is determined to deliver better transport options for people in regional communities, no matter where they live across the State.

[Opposition members interjected.]

Mr President, I am asked questions and members opposite yell at me the entire time that I try to answer them. It is quite ridiculous.

The PRESIDENT: I remind members that interjections are disorderly at all times, as is responding to interjections. The Minister has the call.

The Hon. TARA MORIARTY: The Government is committed to supporting regional communities with good regional transport options. It is certainly mindful of all of the issues, including the one raised today. Again, I remind members that the community is well aware of the situation and that we have inherited a hotchpotch set‑up of transport options across regional communities. I will continue to work closely with my colleagues, including the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, who is doing a terrific job getting out and about and engaging with regional communities about their transport needs now and well into the future.

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