Parliament Speeches

National Agriculture Day

National Agriculture Day

Hansard ID:
Hansard session:

The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (10:09): I move:

(1)That this House affirms its support for National Agriculture Day, which falls on the third Friday of November each year, which falls on 15 November 2024.

(2)That this House recognises that National Agriculture Day aims to celebrate the agricultural sector and its significant contributions to the economy, the environment and society.

(3)That this House supports National Agriculture Day as an opportunity to recognise the importance of farming and educate the public about the vast range of agricultural products and practices.

(4)That this House acknowledges the crucial role that farmers play in food production, as well as their sustainable practices and innovative solutions to ensure long‑term success for both rural communities and the wider Australian population.

(5)That this House recognises that agriculture is a major industry in Australia, employing more than 300,000 people and contributing around $65 billion to the national economy annually.

(6)That this House also supports the celebration of National Agriculture Day's various events such as farm tours, school visits, agricultural shows and virtual experiences.

(7)That this House acknowledges that such activities seek to bridge the knowledge gap between urban and rural sectors, encourage greater appreciation for local produce, and inspire future generations to consider a career in the field.

Motion agreed to.

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