NSW Police Force Appointments
The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (11:59): My question is directed to the Minister for Regional New South Wales, representing the Minister for Police and Counter‑terrorism. What communications did the Minister for Police and Counter‑terrorism have with the police commissioner prior to the most recent appointment of the Executive Director, Public Affairs Branch, NSW Police Force?
The Hon. TARA MORIARTY (Minister for Agriculture, Minister for Regional New South Wales, and Minister for Western New South Wales) (12:00): I thank the honourable member for her question to me in my capacity representing the Minister for Police and Counter‑terrorism. I understand the interest in this matter. Matters of staffing and employment within the NSW Police Force are matters for the police commissioner, but I will seek some further information from the Minister and bring it back to the House.
The Hon. PENNY SHARPE: The time for questions has expired. If members have further questions I suggest they place them on notice.