Parliament Speeches

Government Performance

Government Performance

Hansard ID:
Hansard session:
Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

Government Performance

The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (14:53:20):

I take a short note of our session today so far. It would appear from question time and formal business that Labor is in a race to the bottom. It has failed in its basic duty to protect us. Now is not the time to be complacent. The number one issue facing New South Wales today is cost of living. Nothing on Labor's agenda today has convinced me that Labor is doing anything to help those struggling. Rather, Labor has cemented in my mind that what it wants to do is put unions first and at the centre of every transaction. The Government may have established urgency today, but it has not established integrity or transparency, which also were platforms Labor took to the election.

The Hon. Anthony D'Adam:

Point of order: I am reluctant to take a point of order, but it is incumbent on a member when they take part in the take‑note debate to indicate what question or element of the questions asked and answered today they are dealing with. The Hon. Aileen MacDonald has not done that. It is not clear that this is an appropriate take‑note debate. Mr Assistant President, I urge you to bring the member back to the relevant point.

The DEPUTY PRESIDENT (The Hon. Rod Roberts):

The purpose of the take‑note debate is to take note of particular answers to questions. I implore the Hon. Aileen MacDonald to direct her comments to answers given today.


My comments were general rather than in relation to a particular answer. On that note, I will conclude my remarks.

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