Parliament Speeches

International Day of Rural Women

International Day of Rural Women

Hansard ID:
Hansard session:
Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

International Day of Rural Women

The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (10:03:38):

I move:

(1)That this House notes that:

(a)15 October is the International Day of Rural Women; and

(b)this year's theme is "Rural women confront the global cost-of-living crisis".

(2)That this House acknowledges the crucial role that women and girls play in:

(a)ensuring the sustainability of rural households and communities internationally and in New South Wales; and

(b)improving rural livelihoods and overall wellbeing.

(3)That this House further notes that:

(a)women and girls in rural New South Wales often run rural enterprises and work side by side with their siblings and family to produce the best quality produce for us to enjoy; and

(b)achieving gender equality and empowering women is not only the right thing to do but is also a critical ingredient in empowering rural women throughout New South Wales to do their bit to deal with the cost-of-living crisis.

Motion agreed to.

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