Parliament Speeches

Backtrack Youth Works

Backtrack Youth Works

Hansard ID:
Hansard session:
Fifty-Eighth Parliament, First Session (58-1)

Backtrack Youth Works

The Hon. AILEEN MacDONALD (14:03:30):

On a recent trip home to my electorate of Northern Tablelands, I took the time to visit the BackTrack Youth Works founder, Bernie Shakeshaft, and his team in Armidale. I am sure many here have heard of the excellent work that BackTrack does with young people having a tough time, as BackTrack has been around, helping and working with young people since 2006 and has been recognised at all levels of government. From legal support, teaching kids knowledge and skills, and mentoring them in the workplace to offering them a feed and a place to stay, BackTrack supports youth to get back on track so they are able to fully participate in their communities and lead happy and productive lives. The BackTrack Youth Works program uses animal-assisted learning, agricultural skills and a residential facility to assist vulnerable young people to turn their lives around. The program is praised by many, including magistrates, police, mayors, youth service providers, carers and the young people who participate in the program. Because of the program's success, Bernie is a much sought after speaker, and he received the Local Hero award in 2020 at the Australian of the Year Awards.

Since its inception thousands of young people have been through the program. In 2014 a study by the University of New England found that in the program's first year there was a 38 per cent decrease in Armidale youth crime rates. Bernie will tell you, "Locking up kids isn't working." The cost of holding a child in detention is over $2,700 per day, so the numbers just do not add up, especially given BackTrack's positive results. For example, in the past 12 years, 87 per cent of the youth who have completed the program are now in employment or further education, and there has been a 55 per cent reduction in local crime instances involving youth. Evaluations show that after only six months in the program participants' improvements included a 40 per cent drop in suicide ideation, a 25 per cent drop in weekly illicit drug use in the previous three months, and a 30 per cent drop in repeat school suspensions. I cannot hope to do BackTrack justice in three minutes. It is really changing lives. Bernie and his team, including the dogs, which are an integral part of the program, are doing great work for kids having a tough time. BackTrack Youth Works works. Simple.

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