Spit Hoods

Media Releases
Spit Hoods

The Hon Aileen MacDonald OAM MLC has condemned the use of ‘spit hoods’ for people, particularly young people, in custody.

A spit hood is a bag constructed of mesh placed over the heads of detainees to stop them from spitting or biting, with the aim of preventing injury or infection to police or detention officers.

“Having been a Community Corrections Officer before I entered Parliament, I am fully aware of how spit hoods are not only inhumane but can also present a risk of choking or asphyxiation,” Ms MacDonald said.

“They can also cause trauma, injury or death to the wearer,” she said. Ms MacDonald said there are far better alternatives like using personal protective equipment such as face shields, masks and gloves, or other mitigating strategies.

“It’s an outdated practice which does not align with community expectations,” she said. Ms MacDonald noted spit hoods are not used in NSW and were not used when the Coalition was in Government. Ms MacDonald supported a Bill before Parliament which prohibits the use of spit hoods in NSW and ensures they cannot be used in the future.

“It’s a no brainer, even the Australian Human Rights Commission supports the view they are inhumane and do little to prevent the transmission of communicable diseases,” Ms MacDonald said.

Ms MacDonald noted the prohibition applies to Youth Detention Centres, Correctional Centres, Court Cells, Drug and Alcohol treatment Centres, Police Cells, and Mental Health Facilities.

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