Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The Hon Aileen MacDonald today issued a reminder that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Ms MacDonald said this is an important time to support the National Breast Cancer Foundation because breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, with nine people losing their lives to the disease every day.

“The aim of Breast Cancer Awareness Month is to shine a light on the devastating impact breast cancer has on thousands of Australians each day,” Ms MacDonald said.

“The statistics are alarming. Every year more than 21,000 people in Australia, including around 200 men, will be diagnosed with breast cancer,” she said.

“It saddens me that every year more than 3,300 people in Australia, including 33 men, will die from breast cancer.”

Ms MacDonald urged everyone to get checked, because early intervention means breast cancer that is contained within the breast is now largely treatable.

“If you experience any symptoms such as lumps, dimples, discharge or discolouration, head to your doctor for further examination,” she said.

For further information Ms MacDonald said visit the National Breast Cancer Foundation website:

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - National Breast Cancer Foundation

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