Minns Labor Government Lacking In Youth Justice

Media Releases
Minns Labor Government Lacking In Youth Justice

The Hon Aileen MacDonald OAM MLC today highlighted the Minns Labor Government’s lack of activity in the Youth Justice space.

Ms MacDonald reminded the Government that the Opposition supported tougher Youth Justice Bail laws, but in the context that the Government would keep its March 2023 election commitment to explore initiatives to reduce interactions between young people and the justice system.

“Disappointingly, we’ve barely seen or heard anything in this critical area,” Ms MacDonald said today.

“The Government conveniently points to the Youth on Track program but fails to mention it was the Coalition who introduced it in 2013 as an early intervention scheme,” Ms MacDonald said.

Ms MacDonald said it’s time the Government stopped riding on the Coalition’s coat tails and came to the table with some policies of its own, as they promised. 

“Where are the new early intervention programs and the new diversionary programs?”

Ms MacDonald said people who live in regional and rural NSW are sick of feeling unsafe.

“I know there are solutions out there, I just want the Government to stick to its commitment and support and expand the work of the Youth Justice sector to provide meaningful treatment rather than the easy option of punishment.” Ms MacDonald said.

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