More affordable housing on the way for Lismore

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More affordable housing on the way for Lismore

Lismore is set to get as many as 64 new affordable units in a $20 million boost to the city’s housing supply.

The plan to build additional affordable homes for Lismore is the result of a partnership between the NSW government and Lismore City Council.Minister for Families and Communities Natasha Maclaren-Jones said Landcom has entered into an MOU with the council to develop up to 24 units on Bristol Circuit in Goonellabah and 40 units on Cynthia Wilson Drive in Goonellabah in partnership with a Community Housing Provider (CHP).

“This project will help ease housing pressures for people at risk of homelessness in Lismore,” Mrs Maclaren-Jones said.

“Greater access to affordable housing and support pave the way for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to secure a brighter future.

“We know that safe and stable accommodation is vital for people to get back on their feet and the NSW Government is committed to delivering more affordable housing to those in our community who need it most.

”Minister for Planning and Minister for Homes Anthony Roberts said that this is just one of the new projects being rolled out as part of Landcom’s expansion into the State’s regions.

“It is important we work with local government on innovative ways to unlock land and build homes,” Mr Roberts said.

“I look forward to the momentum this project creates as the NSW Government works to meet the growing demand for new homes in the regions.”

Lismore City Mayor Steve Krieg said the project would go some way to easing the housing crisis in Lismore, particularly after the devastating February and March floods.

“This is a great outcome for our community after the devastation we experienced during the floods. This partnership will mean there is more affordable housing in the Lismore area for those who really need it,” Mr Krieg said.Lismore Council has committed to providing a long term lease and to help fund the development at 44 Bristol Circuit site, Council will provide a 50+ year lease to a CHP.

The Northern Rivers Reconstruction Corporation is contributing $2.5 million towards these new proposed developments.

Council will contribute the land for the 69 Cynthia Wilson Drive site and the Department of Communities and Justice will provide $5 million to support the development.

Under the MOU, Landcom will support the design and development application process. The yet-to-be appointed CHP will be responsible for the delivery and ongoing management of the project.

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